OURI - Music performance
Dancing Robot - high entertainment function.
In the movie "Real Steel", you not only saw some amazing fight scenes, but also be impressed by the dancing robot with the little boy. The movie show a fact that robotic technology is applied in diverse audio and video industry, and it brings influence to human's life.
On the other hand, you can find the streaming music service – Apple iTunes Store, is the leader of music payware, successfully make a trend of online streaming music service. With expanding of mobile technology and convenient internet, streaming music service is a big trend, even SONY and Aldebaran develop wireless transmission technology, create music robot Rolly, BSP60 and Nao.
To provide consumers more choices, TIRC research and develop related skill and integrate with market experience, create a Bluetooth robot called OURI. By enhancing music performance efficiency, supporting Bluetooth streaming music function, and adding rhythm recognizers, robot can dance even change light and moving with rhythm. This development and improvement makes robot interact with users freely, and make a high entertainment function.
在電影鋼鐵擂台中,除了刺激的拳擊場面外;讓人印象深刻的,就是小男孩Max與機器人伴隨著音樂出場,強而有力的節奏環繞刺激著每個在場的支持者一同舞動,象徵音樂與機器人結合的多層次影音娛樂已深入人們的生活中。反觀的廣大音樂市場,蘋果 iTunes Store是付費下載音樂的市場領導者,但由於網路科技的通路藉由手機功能擴增,使得線上串流播放的音樂服務成為話題。因應串流音樂潮流,日本大廠索尼、法國Aldebaran先後也推出無線傳輸技術的 Rolly 、BSP60 音樂機器人與Nao人形機器人,提供消費者多樣選擇。透過TIRC團隊,相關技術整合與市場經驗,OURI藍芽音樂機器人,加強音樂撥放效能、支援Bluetooth 通信串流音樂,並加入節奏辨識感測器,可隨節拍起舞、變換燈光及揮動雙臂,就由音樂舞動及旋律辨識等,達到與使用者間的高互動性。