Jin Jhan GREENHOUSE/皆展溫室展示中心
Project :品牌形象優化&1F展示空間設計
Client:皆展有限公司 / 財團法人中衛發展中心
Throughout the journey of agriculture, Jin Jhan will always be with you.
Climate change has devastated the global food production efficiency, prompting farmers to switch to smarter greenhouse environments and integrate innovative technology to simplify crop planting and elevate yield per ping.Established in 1998 and located in Chiayi, Taiwan, Jin Jhan / JJ Green House, a #greenhouse exhibition center, has accumulated over 30 years of experience in greenhouse-related engineering both in Taiwan and across the globe. Jin Jhan boasts professional skills and capability in planning, designing, and constructing various types of greenhouses, smart greenhouses, and irrigation systems.
隨著氣候變遷影響全球糧食生產效能降低,許多農民逐漸選擇更智能化的溫室環境,同時結合創新科技,讓種植這件事變得更簡單,同時提升坪效率。這是一間位於台灣嘉義的 #溫室展示中心,成立於1998年。累積了30多年國內海外大大小小的工程經驗,針對各類型溫網室、智慧化溫室及灌溉系統工程,從規劃、設計、施工作業,皆展企業均擁有專業堅強的技術與實力。
To change the public’s stereotype of traditional agricultural greenhouses, Jin Jhan / JJ Green House hired 3+2 Design Studio to help it build a professional image via #rebranding and #exhibition space planning.
The company name JJG was converted into an image to evoke a sense of plants growing vigorously and luxuriantly in ecological greenhouses. A series of greenhouse element-related symbols including greenhouse physical features, seeds, seedlings, and plants flowering was applied to the spatial environment to strengthen the company’s image. Additionally, a #greenhouse project was initiated to display various key components.
「皆展溫室Jin Jhan / JJ Green House」希望打破一般大眾對農業溫室傳統的既定印象,3+2 Design Studio 透過 #品牌形象重整,結合 #展示空間規劃,重新賦予企業建立專業形象。將字母JJG圖像化將英文字勾勒出欣欣向榮、不斷成長茁壯之生態溫室感。並發展出一系列衍生結合溫室相關元素的圖騰:包括溫室搭建樣貌、種子種苗、開花結果等符碼運用至空間環境中,強化企業之形象,同時搭建一個 #溫室工程,所需要的關鍵組件也在此展示。
In terms of spatial planning, Jin Jhan was carefully designed to arouse a sense of cleanliness and purity at first sight. A high-ceiling #maisonette and skylight were introduced to draw daylight into the room, and near the entrance is a #simple greenhouse model (built at a ratio of approximately 1:1 and placed midair) and three models (built at a ratio of 1:30 and using different construction methods). The three models are Simply Plastic Film Greenhouse, Robust Structure Greenhouse, and Precision Greenhouse. By walking through the greenhouses, visitors can learn about various information such as the greenhouse construction methods, film materials, electronic control modules, shutters, and fans.
在空間規劃上,希望讓訪客第一眼能感受溫室乾淨潔白之感。設計出 #樓中樓 挑高並帶入採光的空間,利用天井採光罩將陽光引入室內。入門即可仰望一座約1:1的 #簡易型溫室示意模組,以及搭配三座不同搭建工法的1:30 比例模型 (簡易型塑膠布溫網室(SIMPLY PLASTIC FILM GREENHOUSE) / 結構力霸型溫室 (ROBUST STRUCTURE GREENHOUSE) / 精密型溫室 (PRECISION GREENHOUSE) );當我們穿越溫室行走的過程中,可了解搭建方式、網膜材質、電控模組、旋轉捲簾、風扇…等元素詳盡展示。
On the other side of the greenhouse is a world map wall containing the company’s completed construction cases, where the company has served over 3,000 clients across more than 30 countries in #four different continents to validate its remarkable architectural achievements.
另一側世界地圖牆,則將企業之經典案例清楚地呈現:皆展溫室除了涵蓋台灣區域,也出口海外遍佈 #全球四大洲,超過30國家,累積已達3000多家客戶的實戰實績