Tainan: Beacon of Manufacturing Excellence
Tainan, once a vital trading hub during the Age of Exploration, was Taiwan's first gateway to the world and the cradle of its manufacturing industry. Over the past 400 years, the city has undergone multiple transformations. A significant one happened in the 1970s when government-led industrial modernization fueled the growth of manufacturing industry. Many companies began as small factories and gradually became the “unsung champions" that top the world stage. Together, they built Tainan's golden era of heavy industry, and formed a distinctive production chain. These success stories are the backbone of Tainan’s industrial development. This exhibition spotlights five key industries: metalworking, machinery, plastic products, automotive parts, and textiles. These trades not only fuel Tainan’s economy but also bring global acclaim to "Made in Taiwan" products, cementing the city’s prestige as a beacon of manufacturing excellence.
台南,作為大航海時代的重要貿易據點,是台灣首座與世界接軌的城市,也是傳統製造產業的發源地。在過去400年間,台南經歷了多次轉型,尤其在1970年代,政府推動工業現代化,進一步帶動傳統製造業的蓬勃發展。 許多企業從小工廠起步,逐步發展為全球頂尖的「隱形冠軍企業」,共同締造台南重工業的黃金時期,並形成了獨具特色的生產鏈。這些成功的故事構成台南工業發展的重要支柱。本次展覽以此為基礎,聚焦於台南的五大產業領域,包括「金屬加工 / 機械設備 / 塑膠製品 / 汽車配件 / 紡織產業」。這些產業不僅支撐台南的經濟,使『Made in Taiwan』在國際間享有盛譽,更成為這座城市引以為傲的『製造之光』。
NO.1 - Spotlight Tainan
"No.1 - Spotlight Tainan" showcases various forms of lights, each of which represent one of 18 Tainan-based enterprises that have risen to the global stage despite challenges. These lights also symbolize the collective efforts of key contributors—business leaders, research teams, production lines, and market frontlines. It is this mighty ecosystem that drives industrial progress and shapes future trends. The exhibition space is divided into four zones: “Prologue > Spotlight > Intermission > Backstage.” Elements of light art and factory soundscapes are blended in the exhibition to create a multi-sensory theatrical experience and showcase the innovation and vitality of Tainan's manufacturing industry. The lights take two forms. Located at the front stage, "Light of the World" is a series of circular spotlights and symbolizes the enterprises that work hard and smart to shine home and abroad. At the rear, "Light of Backstage" features diffused lights radiating outward, and represents the perseverance of the production lines which spread Tainan's glory across the world. "No.1 - Spotlight Tainan" not only celebrates the achievements of Tainan’s manufacturing industries but also aims to ignite a spark within each person. Through the success stories of these 18 enterprises, the exhibition inspires individuals to soar in their own lives, moving forward alongside this city, rich in ancient wisdom and modern innovation, for new pride and hope.
本次策展以『南波萬 No.1- Spotlight Tainan』為主題,透過「光」的多樣形態交相輝映,象徵18家 (18-light)傳統製造業在艱難環境中崛起,並在全球舞台上綻放的耀眼成就。這些光芒同時代表企業領導者、研發團隊、工廠生產線及市場前線每位關鍵推手的共同努力,形成一股推動產業進步、引領未來的強大力量。 整體空間劃分為四大區域:『開場白 > 舞台之光 > 中場休息 > 幕後之光』,並結合「燈光藝術與工廠混音」,營造多感官的舞台劇體驗,展現台南製造業的創新與活力。光芒以兩種形式呈現:舞台前的「世界之光」,圍繞圓形聚焦光源,象徵企業匯聚智慧與努力,立足台南,閃耀於全球舞台;而舞台後的「幕後之光」,則從中心向外延伸,象徵生產線努力不懈的精神,共同攜手將台南的榮光傳遞至世界各地。 『南波萬 No.1』不僅是台南傳統工業的成就,亦期待透過18家企業的成功故事,點燃每個人心中的光芒,並在各自的舞台上展翅綻放,與這座融合古老智慧與現代創新的城市一同前行,帶來新的驕傲與希望。
「工廠混音」是本次展覽的聲音藝術核心。透過深入工廠生 產線,錄製齒輪運轉、 機械轟鳴及材料碰撞等聲響 ,這些經過精心編排的音景被重構為電子環境音樂的節奏基底, 褪去重工業的粗獷外衣,與燈光和空間設計 交織,營造出多感官的沉浸式劇場體驗。 聲音保留了工業的力量,將細膩的聲響融入合成器編曲,引領觀者 彷彿置身於工廠心臟, 隨著「製造之音」的脈動,感受台南製造業的創新與韌性,進而加深對這座城市 產業精神的體認與共鳴。
Sound of Manufacturing
"Factory Mix" is the core of sound art in this exhibition. Venturing into the factory production line and recording the sounds of gear rotation, mechanical roar, and material collision, the artists carefully arranged soundscapes and restructured them into the rhythmic basis of electronic ambient music. These sounds have shed the rough coat of heavy industry but its imposing power still remains. They are showcased along with lighting and space design to create a multi-sensory immersive theatrical experience. These delicate sounds are merged into a synthesizer arrangement, as if transporting visitors into the heart of a factory. Following the pulse of the "Sound of Manufacturing," visitors can feel the innovation and resilience of Tainan’s manufacturing industry, and deepen their understanding and connection with the city’s industrial zeitgeist.
A-01 宏遠興業股份有限公司/A-02 康那香企業股份有限公司/A-03 森鉅科技材料股份有限公司/A-04 宏佳騰動力科技股份有限公司/A-05 志鋼金屬股份有限公司/A-06 仁美商標工業股份有限公司/A-07 三星科技股份有限公司/A-08 東陽事業集團/A-09 亞獵士科技股份有限公司/A-10 堤維西交通工業股份有限公司/A-11 桂盟國際股份有限公司
A-01 Everest Textile Co.,Ltd./A-02 KNH Enterprise Co., Ltd./A-03 Xxentria Technology Materials Co., Ltd./A-04 Aeon Motor Co., Ltd./A-05 Chih Kang Material Co., Ltd./A-06 Junmay Label Mfg. Corp/A-07 San Shing Fastech Corp./A-08 Tong Yang Group/A-09 Alex Global Technology Inc./A-10 TYC Brother Ind. Co., Ltd./A-11 KMC(Kuei Meng) International Inc.
B-12 華美光學科技股份有限公司/B-13 萬國通路股份有限公司/B-14 全立發機械廠股份有限公司/B-15 鳳記國際機械股份有限公司/B-16 源民金屬科技有限公司/B-17 凱士士企業股份有限公司/B-18 美帥化學股份有限公司
B-12 Hwa Meei Optical Co., Ltd./B-13 Eminent Luggage Corporation/B-14 CLF(Chuan Lih Fa) Machinery Works Co.,Ltd./B-15 Fong Kee International Machinery Co., Ltd./B-16 Yuan Min Metal Technology Co.,Ltd./B-17 KSS(Kai Suh Suh) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD./B-18 Mei Shual Cosmetics Co., Ltd.
策展單位 | 3+2 Design Studio
策 展 人 | 謝易成 / 林佳嫺
空間統籌 |一葉藍朵設計
展覽企劃|鍾蕙璘 /林品瑄 / 李柏萱 / 謝易成 /林佳嫺
展覽協助|吳廷恩 / 紀伯謙 / 許芳繼 / 李昀芸
導演 |吳庭宇
專案 |吳佳珊
攝影 |張家豪/ 莊子坪/林翠薇 /黃敏茜 /陳君岳
燈光 |印象多媒體
剪接 |吳庭宇
動態設計|鄭凱駿, 李海彤
聲音創作|宋義威 (初見創意整合)
企劃編輯|曾美珍 (瀨愛美生活實驗所)
靜態拍攝|楊佳穎 (啦嘟嘟工作室)
導覽人員|黃冠臻 / 姜依伶 / 游舒淳/ 陳筠甯
宏佳騰動力科技股份有限公司 / 志鋼金屬股份有限公司 / 仁美商標工業股份有限公司
三星科技股份有限公司/東陽事業集團 /亞獵士科技股份有限公司
堤維西交通工業股份有限公司 / 桂盟國際股份有限公司
華美光學科技股份有限公司/ 萬國通路股份有限公司
全立發機械廠股份有限公司 /鳳記國際機械股份有限公司
源民金屬科技有限公司 / 凱士士企業股份有限公司 /美帥化學股份有限公司
樂維 LAVI (鉅莊企業股份有限公司)
桂盟國際股份有限公司/ 萬國通路股份有限公司
源民金屬科技有限公司/ 凱士士企業股份有限公司
華美光學科技股份有限公司/ 宏佳騰動力科技股份有限公司
樂維 LAVI (鉅莊企業股份有限公司)/ 台灣汽機車研發暨策略聯盟